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Evergreen Indiana Circulation Policy

Registering a Patron

Evergreen Indiana Library Card

An Evergreen Indiana library card is required in order to check out materials at an Evergreen Indiana Library. Library directors and managers have discretionary ability in special cases. A digital replica of the library card is also an appropriate form of identification for a patron to check out materials. Patrons of the Evergreen Indiana Consortium libraries presenting Proper Identification are eligible to receive an Evergreen Indiana library card from their home library subject to certain limitations (see below, Loss of Privileges). An Evergreen Indiana library card is not transferable.

Patrons of Indiana public libraries not participating in the Evergreen Indiana Consortium may receive a library card at an Evergreen Indiana library pursuant to reciprocal borrower and other agreements. Users from non-participating Indiana libraries will not have the same privileges as Evergreen Indiana patrons and such cards may be suspended at any time without notice.

Resident and Outreach cards are valid for two years. Nonresident, Reciprocal Borrower, Temporary, PLAC and Student cards are valid for one year.

Eligibility for Obtaining an Evergreen Indiana Library Card

Residents of Indiana presenting Proper Identification (see below for definition of “Proper Identification”) that establishes that the individual resides in or pays real property taxes on property owned in the library’s service area (the “library district”) are eligible to receive a green Evergreen Indiana “resident” library card.

Indiana residents not residing in a library district may be eligible to purchase or otherwise obtain an Evergreen Indiana Library card as a non-resident, PLAC, reciprocal borrower or township contract user subject to the laws and regulations covering these types of cards. Non-resident cards and PLAC cards are issued to those individuals residing outside the library district who purchase library cards with full access to library materials and services. All other card holders: student, computer usage and reciprocal borrower cards are given limited access to services and materials. Reciprocal borrowers, students, transitional, and computer users should be given a blue Evergreen Indiana card which indicates that their borrowing privileges are limited to the issuing library.

Applicants for an Evergreen Indiana library card must present the required Proper Identification in person at the Evergreen Indiana library that will issue the library card (see below for definition of “Proper Identification”) or renew privilege. Property owners who do not reside in Indiana will be required to show proof of real property ownership, such as a tax bill or deed.

Signing and/or taking receipt of an Evergreen Indiana library card denotes acceptance of responsibility for all fines and fees and for payment for lost or damaged materials. Patrons are advised to contact their library to report a lost or stolen library card.

Patrons changing their home library designations will be asked to provide identification and proof of current address. Proof of current address may be satisfied by the presentation of Proper Identification and if necessary, one item from the Recommended List of ID which displays a current address.


An adult showing Proper Identification may register a minor child for an Evergreen Indiana library card. Registering a minor child for an Evergreen Indiana library card denotes acceptance of responsibility for all fees, fines and payment for late, lost, or damaged materials charged on such minor’s library card. Emancipated minors will be asked to present evidence of their status to void the necessity of the presence of a sponsoring adult.

The minor child must be present during the registration process. Contact addresses should be obtained for both the minor and the sponsoring adult. The minor’s home address must qualify for service. The sponsoring adult’s address will be used for mailed communications. In the case that the sponsoring adult is a non-resident of the library district, libraries shall issue a “Student” profile card to the minor until the minor’s address can be verified.

Registering a minor child for an Evergreen Indiana library card denotes an acknowledgement and understanding that Evergreen Indiana libraries own and circulate videos, DVDs and unrated television series that may be geared toward a more mature audience and that a minor child will have access to materials for both adults and children and will be able to check out any of these materials. A “limited access” card, which prevents the user from checking out “R-rated” and “M-rated” audiovisual materials, is available for minors.

Proper Identification

Proper Identification must be presented to apply for an Evergreen Indiana library card. Proper Identification is one of the following:

  • a valid Indiana Driver’s License which displays a current address;
  • valid Indiana State ID which displays a current address; or
  • a current government issued photo ID (e.g., military ID, passport).
  • valid identification issued by another State (e.g., Driver’s License)
  • valid current university or college identification (e.g., Student identification)

If the presented Proper Identification does not display a current address, the applicant must present one item from the Recommended List in addition to the Indiana Driver’s License, Indiana State ID or other government issued photo ID presented as Proper Identification. The ID presented from the Recommended List must include a current address.

Recommended List of ID includes:

  • computer generated bank statement issued in applicant’s name within the last 30 days
  • computer generated utility, credit card company, doctor or hospital bill, issued in applicant’s name within the last 30 days and containing address of residence
  • Medicaid or Medicare benefit statement issued in the applicant’s name within the last 30 days
  • Change-of-address confirmation from the United States Postal Service showing prior and current address of residence (a P.O. Box is not acceptable as a residence address)
  • apartment lease signed within the last 30 days
  • property tax receipt issued in applicant’s name

Patron Account Management

My Account

Library patrons will be given a PIN upon registering for an Evergreen Indiana library card. Evergreen Indiana policy indicates

that PINs may only be given in person at an Evergreen Indiana Library, upon presentation of appropriate identification. PINs may not be obtained via telephone or email.

Borrowing Privileges

A patron must present a card each time they wish to borrow materials and their account must be in good standing to borrow materials.

In most cases, a maximum of 100 items may be checked out simultaneously on an Evergreen Indiana library card. There is a maximum limit of 10 videodiscs, 10 videos, 5 equipment, 6 art, 2 ereaders, and 2 gaming software items per Evergreen Indiana library card. Borrowing limits are calculated at the consortium level and not at the library level.

If a patron forgets their Evergreen Indiana card, they should:

  • Return to the library after retrieving their library card (in this instance, materials may be held for a limited time pending the patron’s return).
  • Purchase a replacement library card for two dollars ($2). (See procedures above for issuing replacement library card.)

Collections: Exempt Patron

All member libraries are entitled to seek recompense for their materials when lost and/or damaged by a patron regardless of the patron’s home library. The “Collections: Exempt” switch may be activated for patrons who exclusively access the collection of their home library (i.e., reciprocal borrower or student). Patrons borrowing materials from other libraries may be referred to a collections agency by the owning library in the case of lost or damaged items and may not have the “Collections: Exempt” switch activated. Exempt patrons are, by default, not accessible by the collections agency’s search protocol.

Libraries should place an alert on patron accounts for whom extenuating circumstances would suggest alternate forms of recovery should be pursued. Libraries pursuing collections against another library’s patrons should review affected patron accounts for such notes and give appropriate consideration prior to submission to Unique Management or any other collections agency.

Purging of Inactive Patron Records

Patron accounts will be automatically marked inactive when the patron’s privilege expires. Patron accounts that do not

reflect fines or fees, items checked out or claims returned activity will be deleted automatically three (3) years after being marked inactive.


Loss of Privileges

A patron’s access to materials may be limited due to overdue materials or fines and fees. A patron’s card will be blocked, and no new circulation services may be obtained with it if the patron has 15 or more overdue items, or owes $10 or more in unpaid fines and/or fees. Patrons may renew overdue circulating materiasls until their account reaches the maxfine threshold of $10 or more in unpaid fines and/or fees. Outreach patrons will not be blocked until they have 50 or more items overdue. The number of overdue materials and/or amount of fines/fees that will result in a patron being “blocked” is calculated at the consortium level and not at the library level. A patron’s card may be “blocked” if related group or family member cards are “blocked.” A patron may also be “barred” if circumstances warrant.


To encourage the prompt return of materials, the Evergreen Indiana libraries have established a schedule of fines and fees as an encouragement for the timely return of materials by their due dates. Overdue materials incur fines of 25¢ per day per item with a fine cap of $10.00 or the cost of the item, whichever is lower. Materials with the circulation modifier of “equipment”, “equipment-restricted”, or “ereader” may incur fines of up to $5 per day per item with either a $225 or the cost of the item fine cap. Materials with the circulation modifier of “hourly” may incur fines of up to $5 per hour per item with either a $225 or the cost of the item fine cap. Materials with the circulation modifier of “special collection” may incur finesofupto$1perdayperitemwithafinecapof$10orthecostoftheitem. Transitpackagingmaterialsarenotbillable to the patron.

Fine-Free Libraries

Libraries may choose not to levy local circulation fines. This is an administrative setting which may be changed up to one time annually. Materials borrowed under this program will be set to lost once the items are overdue by 28 days rather than 45. To adjust your library’s fine-free status, please submit a HelpDesk ticket.

Juvenile Fine-Free Libraries

Libraries may choose not to levy local circulation fines for all juvenile cardholders at their library with the exception of materials classified as “equipment”. This is an administrative setting which may be changed up to one time annually. Member libraries shall, however, pursue whatever measures are feasible and expeditious to recover monies related to materials classified as “lost” or “damaged” regardless of the cardholder’s age. This policy shall only apply solely to those items borrowed on site at participating member libraries including items transited from other Evergreen Indiana libraries, IN-SHARE, or the Statewide Remote Circulation Service (SRCS). Items borrowed directly from another Evergreen Indiana library using a participating member card shall be subject to the policies of that library.

Paying Fines/Fees

Evergreen Indiana library fines and fees may be paid at any Evergreen library. Patrons may pay all or a portion of overdue fines. A patron’s record will remain blocked or barred until the fines and fees are paid or the patron has resolved the matter with the particular library to restore his or her privileges. A patron may be (or remain) “blocked” if related group or family member cards are “blocked.”

Overdue Notices

Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy from the Evergreen Indiana Libraries. Failure to receive notices does not exempt patrons from the responsibility for payment for library materials or overdue fines and fees.

Alternate ID Option

As an occasional courtesy, a patron’s home library may offer to circulate materials to a patron by looking up the patron’s account using a current driver’s license. The current license must match the driver’s license ID number and/or the complete combination of name, DOB, and address in the Evergreen Indiana system. Patrons traveling to Evergreen Indiana libraries other than their home library must present their official Evergreen Indiana library card at all times. Patrons who repeatedly fail to present their library card at their home library will be required to purchase a replacement card.


Lost Items

A patron may inform library staff that an item is “LOST.” The price of the item and any outstanding fines and fees, plus a processing fee of $10.00 per item, will be assessed to the patron’s card. A patron is encouraged to notify the library that an item is “LOST” to stop the accruing of additional overdue fines. On issuance of the 45-day notice or declaration of loss or damage, the associated circulation fees are reassigned to the owning library.

Some Evergreen Indiana Libraries have contracted with third party vendors for collection services. If third party collection services are used, a fee for collection services will be added to the patron’s record.

Recovering Lost Items and Refunding Payment

No refund will be given to a patron for a “Lost” item for which a patron has paid. In addition, no fines/fees and third party collection fees will be refunded.

Paid-For Items

Materials which are billed to the patron at the full replacement cost of the item, e.g. Lost or Damaged holdings, become the property of the patron once the bill has been paid in full. Unpaid-for Damaged materials which are not a danger to the library or library staff may be held for 6 months pending payment; after 6 months, with payment still due, the item may be destroyed.


Renewal requests may be made in person, by phone or via the online catalog “My Account” feature. Certain categories of materials are not eligible for renewal. If a “HOLD” has been placed on an item, it may not be renewed.

Holds and Intra-Evergreen Indiana Lending

Evergreen cardholders in the resident, non-resident, PLAC, outreach, temp and staffcard profiles have full access to the consortium and may place holds on any Evergreen library’s holdable materials. Reciprocal borrower, student, transitional, or teacher profile cardholders may place holds only on the materials owned by the library that issued the library card.

Holds may be placed on most items in any Evergreen Indiana library (see list of exceptions below). Patrons will have one week after the hold is filled to pick up the held item. Some Evergreen Indiana libraries may impose a fee for failure to pick up a hold.

Patrons may have 30 unfilled holds in the system.

Evergreen Indiana does not allow holds to be placed on the following items by any patron:

  • Reference materials
  • Bestsellers with the no-hold designation

Evergreen Indiana does not allow Evergreen Indiana library patrons to place holds that would generate Intra-Evergreen Indiana [transiting] loans on the following item categories:

  • Art
  • Bestsellers
  • CDs*
  • Equipment
  • ILL
  • Kits
  • Media
  • New Books
  • New videodiscs
  • Realia
  • Reference
  • Software
  • Software – Gaming
  • Videocassettes

These items may be borrowed by any Evergreen Indiana library card holder. It is the responsibility of the patron to proceed to the owning library and check out the material. The patron may return such materials to any Evergreen Indiana library for transit to the owning library.

A library may place a six-month or three-month age protection on new items. Local patrons may place holds on such items. Non-local patrons may place holds on such items, but the materials will not be transited until the age protection expires. Non-local patrons may place a hold on such an item, select the owning library as the pickup location, and proceed to the owning library to check out the item.

Patrons may place their own holds via the OPAC, and may select their pickup location and notification method. The software will refuse holds requests which do not conform to Evergreen Indiana policies. Patrons may choose any pickup location for holds.

Patrons whose Evergreen Indiana cards are “blocked” or “barred” will not be allowed to place holds until their card privileges are restored.

Adopted by the Evergreen Indiana Executive Committee on December 14, 2012 Amended 2013-10-08, 2014-04-04, 2014-08-12, 2015-08-11, 2016-02-09, 2016-03-31, 2016-10-11, 2018-02-13, 2018-04-10, 2018-06-14, 2018-08-14, 2019-02-12.