The Huntingburg Public Library community meeting room is available for use by civil, community, cultural and educational organizations for non-commercial and non-profit purposes. The room will be available to these groups in the community regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of the individual members. The room is also available to local businesses that wish to hold meetings/training sessions at the Library.
A security deposit of $25.00 must be made in advance for use of the meeting room. The deposit will be refunded as long as the users leave the room in as good of condition as when they arrived. If the room is not in as good condition, the users will forfeit said deposit. Damages above and beyond the deposit, including attorney’s fees are the responsibility of the reserving group.
No admission charge may be required for any function held in the Library and no buying or selling is permitted. Membership dues and/or registration fees limited to the cost of materials or speakers are acceptable.